Zog Blog - Experts in Play at Work.

Five Tips to Keep Office Morale High During Summer

Written by Rob Herzog | Jul 10, 2017 1:53:00 PM

Summertime and the livin’ is easy, though just because the sun is blazing and the rooftop frosé is singing a Siren’s song, it doesn’t mean the work stops.

Here are some easy ways to keep office morale high during the summer months:

1. Get outside: Take an outdoor meeting or spend time on your patio with colleagues. Science shows that spending time outside can make you healthier and more productive. Plus, everyone in the Northern Hemisphere suffers from a vitamin D deficiency, right?

Zog Tip: Choose one weekly meeting and commit to holding it outside for the next four weeks.

2. Bring the taste of summer into your office: Summer and ice cream pair so well that even the fairest skinned lactose intolerants can’t resist the combo. Bring the coolest treat into your office! We recently brought our team ice cream sandwiches and it was the highlight of the week. If you aren’t on the beach, the next best summer treat is ice cream.

Zog Tip: For NYC folks, melt delivers!

3. Communicate vacation time: Have you ever rushed back from a summer trip only to find your team is out of the office and your big meeting is pushed off a week? Over communicate vacation schedules during the summer months when people tend to vacate the office more frequently.

Zog Tip: A study by Forbes Insights found that 98% of executives check email during their off time and 63% check every one or two hours during their off time. Encourage your leadership to enjoy their vacation so that your employees can too.

4. Do a wellness challenge: When the weather is nice, people are more motivated to get in shape and be active outside. Take advantage of this moment and start a running club or a weekly yoga class. It’ll be a necessity after a few ice cream days…

Zog Tip: Try an office competition: Participants pay $20 into a pot and vow to exercise three times a week until Labor Day. On the last day, everyone who hit their goal splits the pot.

5. Plan fun summer events: If your office closes early for summer Fridays, plan an afternoon BBQ or sponsor a workout class for your employees. Camaraderie and friendly workplace relationships are some of the strongest indicators of workplace satisfaction. Enable these connections with planned events.

Zog Tip: Need help planning an unforgettable summer event? We can help! Check out this video of a Zog Field Day. Email Danny@zogsports.com for more information.

The Zog Culture Business supports organizations by increasing morale and collaboration, and enhances the employee experience by creating connections and camaraderie. We offer Field Days and Company events, In-Office Programming, and Private Tournaments. Learn more by visiting our site or email Danny@ZogSports.com to inquire about bringing Zog to your office.