Zog Blog - Experts in Play at Work.

The 3 Key Questions Every Company Should Ask When Planning their 2021 Summer Event

Written by Natalie Simmons | Mar 3, 2021 3:15:00 PM

It's already March, which means spring is just around the corner. And not to jump TOO far ahead, but that means that summer isn't too far behind. 

Speaking of being far behind... no one likes to feel that way. It's stressful to play catch up. So, how about we get ahead of the game. Let's start planning your company's big summer virtual event now.

You don't have to go crazy and plan every detail for your virtual event right this very second. But if you start this week, you can take it nice and easy every step of the way. Wouldn't it be nice to have something feel nice and easy for once? We sure think so.

So, as you begin planning, here are the 3 most important questions every event planner should ask themselves about their company's virtual event.

1. What is our virtual event trying to achieve?

Maybe you want to help your team feel more connected to each other while working remotely. Maybe you just want a little bit of fun and levity as a stress reliever after a tough quarter. Maybe you've hired some new employees who need to see and feel your company's culture and values in practice.

No matter what your goal, you want to have that as your guiding light through the planning process. Make sure you know what outcomes you want from your virtual event, and build the entire event experience around those.

2. What kind of virtual games or activities should our event include?

It's been 12 months since the pandemic started. Hopefully we've learned by now that those aimless video happy hours are leading to Zoom fatigue. They're not helping. They're probably hurting.

To host a successful virtual event, make sure you have fun activities for your team to enjoy. But what, exactly? We're glad you asked.

Does your team like healthy competition? Try some fun team-building games. Or maybe they'd prefer a fun and interactive painting or mixology class. Or stimulate their minds with workshops on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI); nutrition; or ergonomics.

No matter what you choose, make sure it's engaging and interactive: yes, that means cameras ON! 

3. Should we outsource our virtual event or do it in-house?

If you don't have budget for an event, you'll want to do it in-house. But if you have the budget, we STRONGLY recommend working with a vendor who specializes in virtual events. Why?

a) We know what activities work (and don't work) virtually.

Unfortunately, not every fun idea or activity translates to Zoom. Do you really want to spend the time planning something that falls flat for your team? 

b) We manage the technology.

You know what could really ruin your event? If the tech doesn't work well. Between sending Zoom links and organizing screen share, breakout rooms, etc., you are better off trusting a partner with a team of professionally trained virtual events staff that can do this without breaking a sweat.

c) You make all the fun decisions with none of the stress.

You're already working your tail off. Do you really need to add the mammoth responsibility of single-handedly pulling off a high profile, high visibility company-wide event? No! 

When you work with us, you get to choose what games and activities your team enjoys. But then we take care of all the details, so you can go about your day, your life, your job. You can show up on the big day, feeling confident enough to participate instead of sweating over whether you've got everything covered.

You'll still be the hero, you just won't have to be the martyr.

Are you feeling ready to take the first step in planning your company's summer event? We'd love to help!