Posts about virtual meetings

How to Create a Worthwhile Experience for Your Next Intern Class

Posted by Jill Nawoyski on Jul 27, 2022 5:49:16 PM

Ahh, internships. The perfect way to provide real-world experience to novices while also bringing fresh talent and new perspectives to your company.

If your organization has decided to hire an intern (or bring in a full intern class!), it’s important to take the steps necessary to make their experience a great one. In the long run, this will benefit not just the individuals, but your company, as well.

As you read this, you may be nearing the end of this year’s summer intern program, or you may be gearing up to start a new program in the fall. In the spirit of acknowledging National Intern Day, below are tips for before, during, and after your program to make sure your interns feel recognized and engaged throughout their experience. 

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Topics: Training, Ideas, Company Culture, Networking, virtual meetings, 52 connections, interns, internship programs

Improve Your Virtual & Zoom Meetings with These 4 Best Practices!

Posted by Natalie Simmons on Jun 9, 2021 10:15:00 AM

After working from home for a while, your team may have fallen into some bad habits around your virtual meetings. Maybe the meetings drag on a bit. Maybe they lack focus or don't get the results you need. Maybe employees are tuned out because it's hard to get a word in.

Well, after months of hosting and managing large events, working with our clients to understand how their organizations work best, we're ready to share what we've learned.

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Topics: virtual meetings, meetings, best practices

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