A message from our CEO, Rob Herzog
Where is everyone?
Read MoreTopics: Office Culture, Employee Engagement, Fun at Work, Human Resources, Fun, company morale, in-person events, corporate volunteerism, Jersey Cares, volunteering
Looking to have your employees connect in a meaningful way?
Volunteering as a company is a great way to bring your employees together and give back to the community. Aside from just benefitting your organization, encouraging your co-workers to participate in charitable acts also benefits nonprofits, community organizations, and our society. Here are some thoughts from our nonprofit partner Jersey Cares on how corporate volunteerism impacts these groups:
Topics: Office Culture, Employee Engagement, Fun at Work, Human Resources, Fun, company morale, in-person events, corporate volunteerism, Jersey Cares, volunteering
Want to make your workplace more fun AND more productive? Follow along as we share great ideas, tips, and best practices to help build better employee relationships by infusing PLAY into your workplace.